“The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death” JK Rowling
The problem with life is death. We live knowing we were born to die. We are constantly running from the inevitability of death. Constantly isolating the thought in the back of our minds. Yet the unconscious awareness of death impacts every aspect of our behaviour. If there was no death would we be so impatient? So materialistic? So egotistical?
The ego is the armour by which we protect ourselves from the awareness of death. We project our ego so as to erase the memory of death. By trying to control our environment and indeed others we jockey the belief that our personality will not be extinguished. The greater ones ego the greater his fear of death.
The ego becomes so intertwined with the body mind that ultimately we live only in the mind. And the mind becomes a prison for the body. We lose our kinaesthetic sense of self. Even our sensuality. Bodily pleasure is only experienced through the apparatus of the brain. We are less alive, less connected to the feeling of the body.
So until we learn to re-awaken our body to feel without limitation the potential for maximising bodily pleasure is restricted .
We need to address the issue of death individually and as a society. By this I do not mean we will necessarily overcome it through the promise of science in the foreseeable future. I am saying we deal with it, come to terms with it psychologically.
We need to consciously consider it. Realise how it affects our thoughts and behavioural patterns. We will inevitably draw our own conclusions. Maybe we believe we will go to Heaven or into some other spiritual domain, or reincarnate, or not even die at all because we will attain physical immortality. One way or another we must consider it, and examine how the inevitability of death affects us. All religion, science and progress were born our of humanity’s quest to avoid death.
When we confront death in this way we can start living. And we can feel freedom in out body by releasing maybe our profoundest feat. We can liberate ourselves to attain the greater life.