The spiritual is not that which is beyond the physical, but the impulse to life itself. It is that which gives form to life. Therefore spirituality is life.
Perhaps of the greatest misunderstandings in human history is the belief that the spiritual journey entails the denial of matter. Whereas the physical is the gateway to and integral to the spiritual exaltation of mankind. We are born into the physical, to know the spiritual as a manifestation of life.. You may have been taught that to achieve enlightenment or spiritual growth you need to abandon money and material possessions. You do not.
Do not close off your desires, your physical senses. Instead enliven them. Why inhibit the sacredness of what it is to be human? The human being is at the junction between the animal and angelic kingdoms. The paradox being that he will never know the angelic unless he first acknowledges and reconciles with his animal nature. The human mystery is that the animal becomes the angel. You are never not spiritual. You are never not enlightened. You are never not in relationship with God. The purpose of your life is to realise it.
In the spiritual journey you add nothing. You learn nothing new. You become nothing different. It is about taking away. Undoing like a sculptor the dross of your conditioning to unveil the beautiful sculpture of who you really are.
The more you desire, the more you will love life. And the more you love and are passionate about life the more you will experience. In time, by and by, these experiences will become the mirror by which to know yourself.